Wednesday 25 August 2010

a realisation

when you cant sleep a whole season of a program is a necessary element to occupy yourself. But the key is in the word 'season' it really is trying to tell you that it shouldnt be watched in one lump sum, but instead in weekly chunks so that your world doesnt fall to peices when you finally realise that there wont be any more episodes and the attachment that you made with the characters will never be able to continue.... its almost like you have to deal with the death of each character.

insomnia is tough

Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Brighter Side

The best thing about not sleeping is that yesterday never ended and that you get to appreciate how beautiful morning really is =]

Feeding the fire

A thing with not being able to sleep is that after a while if you do get tired you seem compelled to keep awake till a reasonable time to go to sleep. To accomplish this however requires certain things:
-Energy Drinks (redbull etc)
-Ritz Crackers
these are all essential!


iv'e been the subject of insomnia now on and off for about a month. I'm not sure why it happened or even why it still continues, however i have found it damn interesting having 24 hours to do things instead of 16-18hours like the average joe.
The first thing that you do when you realise your suffering from insomnia is google insomnia and this would probably be at about 8 or 9 am, after googling the hell out of the subject you realise that there are many reasons for insomnia and that you fall into about 50% of them. so none the wiser you try and find ways to make yourself tired: exercise, excessive cleaning/tidying, watching awful films, getting drunk. The problem is that when you eventually do succeed in sleeping you wake up at a stupid time usually mid-evening and are then presented with a dilemma that once again you are not tired and once again you are awake for the sun setting and rising. so tired of insomnia.

To start

This blog is a diary of my insomnia and thoughts/feelings that come about during the stupid hours of the morning. I find that when i'm awake for over 20 hours that you notice more about life, have more distinct recollection and other similar things and so i thought it would be a good thing to have documented. i hope you enjoy The Insomniac Diary